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First education on enhancing knowledge and skillls in the field of language teaching


On the 23rd of November 2023 started the first of a set of 7 expected online educations on developing documentation practices in early and preschool education organizations have started. The external expert who held the education was Manuela Maruca.

These educations will focus on language and multilingualism, from its development from a neuroscientific point of view in the first years of life, to its use and functional meaning within relationships, and to building the individual self (development of social and communicative competence). The different territorial areas involved in the project use not only different languages, but also dialects that contribute to the creation of multilingualism and multiculturalism.

The education counted around 30 preschool educators from 8 different kindergartens, 5 from Croatia and 3 from Italy: Talijanski dječji vrtić Fregola Buje – Scuola d'infanzia italiana Fregola Buie; Dječji vrtić Suncokret Cittanova – Scuola dell'infanzia Girasole Novigrad; Scuola materna italiana Girotondo Umago - Dječji vrtić Girotondo – Vrtuljak Umag; Dječji vrtić Rin Tin Tin Pula -Scuola dell’infanzia Rin Tin Tin Pola; Dječji vrtić "Kalimero" Brtonigla - Scuola dell’ infanzia "Calimero" Verteneglio; Or.s.a Società Cooperativa Sociale- Nido D’infanzia interaziendale: “I cuccioli della scienza”, La Sissa dei piccoli Trieste; RossoGialloBlu Aviano.

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