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Why is air-pollution relevant?


In this first e-letter let’s explore the significance of air quality in our Adriatic region and the need for a collaborative, cross-border approach.

The primary concern affecting air quality is undoubtedly air pollution, stemming from various sources like industrial emissions and vehicle exhaust, among others.

Given that our surrounding air is a complex balance of elements impacting health, numerous agencies monitor air quality levels. These agencies often share a benchmark system, enabling them to gauge when pollutant levels pose risks to both the environment and human health.

Poor air quality can lead to respiratory issues, allergies, and environmental damage. For instance, in 2022, the European Environment Agency reported 307,000 premature deaths in Europe due to air pollution, while the Living Planet Report and a study conducted by the Brown University showed alarming figures of species extinction and wildlife population declining of almost 70% since 1970 and species dying off as much as 1,000 times more frequently nowadays than they used to.

Prioritizing health and ecosystem protection, what actions can we take to reduce our impact on air quality?

Combating air pollution involves driving less, walking more, carpooling, biking, and planting more trees, considering their natural air purifying properties. Adhering to the circular economy's principles—Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle—helps minimize pollutant production. Conserving energy by turning off unused lights and electronics and opting for energy-efficient appliances also contributes. Engaging with STEM initiatives supports the development of sustainable solutions.

Our Project Aims:

By testing innovative, high-tech, cost-efficient, and portable solutions, our project empowers citizens to reduce environmental impact. This initiative also provides valuable data for policymakers to make evidence-based decisions.

To delve deeper into our impact and stay updated, download our infographic and stay tuned for more updates in the coming months.

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