Po Delta Veneto Regional Park - Public and media tours events - Po Delta Veneto Regional Park - Public and media tours events - PEPSEA


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Po Delta Veneto Regional Park - Public and media tours events

Published on 21/03/2022 (last modified 21/03/2022)


Mar 16, 2022 h.14.00


Mar 18, 2022 h.18.30


Visitor Center of Porto Viro


Piazza Matteotti 1, 45014 Porto Viro


Marco Gottardi - Simone Schibuola

pianificazione@parcodeltapo.org - simoneschibuola.prom@parcodeltapo.org

We invite you to the public event of Po Delta Veneto Regional Park

On March 16, 2022 will be presented in Porto Viro, at the headquarters of the Po Delta Veneto Regional Park, the actions carried out within the international PEPSEA project (Protecting the Enclosed Parts of the Sea in Adriatic for pollution), funded by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme

Starting from the need to significantly increase attention to the use of the sea, the project was designed to develop an innovative system of intervention that allows to adequately address cases of accidental marine pollution in closed areas.

The event of March 16, 2022 will be the time to show the results achieved to the community and the media through a dedicated press-conference in which they will participate:

  • Moreno Gasparini, President of the Delta del Po Veneto Park;
  • Maura Veronese, Mayor of Porto Viro;
  • Roberto Pizzoli, Mayor of Porto Tolle;
  • Michele Grossato, Mayor of Rosolina;
  • Mia Perica, Rapresentative of the PEPSEA Project Lead Partner ZADRA NOVA;
  • Graziano Caramori, Consultant of the Park Authority;
  • Sebastiano Carrer of THETIS;
  • Giulia Righetti of CFR;
  • Federico Rosa of ABITAT. 

In the following days (March 17 and 18, 2022), the invited media will be taken on a private media tour of the two pilot sites under the responsibility of the Park Authority within the Po Delta: the Caleri and Canarin lagoons

Laslty, the Park Authority will continue a training course on alerting and depollution of lagoon and river waters addressed to the Civil Defence of the Delta territory and to a group of 17 Croatian volunteers, trained within the project. 

Here the Agenda.