Asset Publisher

Analysis on accessibility optimization in Ancona and Pesaro

Updated on :18/05/2023

D.5.2.3. Feasibility study on the optimization of the accessibility of disabled passengers in the port of Ancona and Pesaro

The purpose of this document is to analyze the current state of accessible infrastructure and services and to identify possible improvements to the available services for passengers with physical, sensory (hearing and visual impairments), and mental-learning disabilities in the ports of Ancona and Pesaro, in accordance with the legislative framework.

To improve the offer of sustainable multimodal transport solutions and services enhancing passenger accessible mobility, the study considers the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities to guarantee universal accessibility to infrastructures, information-communication (including digital accessibility), and products and services (including passenger assistance and reduced tariffs). This offers autonomy and ease of movement to people with reduced mobility (PRMs) in the ports of Ancona and Pesaro, through the removal of all types of barriers.

The document is in Italian language.