Cycle of final events of the KeyQ+ project - Cycle of final events of the KeyQ+ project - KeyQplus


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Final conference of the KeyQ+ project in Venice

Published on 16/09/2019 (last modified 03/04/2020)


Sep 24, 2019 h.10


Sep 24, 2019 h.13


Aula Mario Baratto, Università Cà Foscari


Dorsoduro 3246 –Venezia


Lorena Sassi


The final international conference of the project will take place in Venice on 24/9/2019, with participation of the project partners, territorial stakeholders and program bodies.

The cycle of events celebrates the conclusion and the results of 21 month-long project KeyQ+, funded within the Call for INTERREG V-A ITALY – CROATIA Standard+ projects and aimed at the capitalization of the former KeyQ project (IPA Adriatic CBC).

Italian and Croatian project partners and stakeholders will be present.

The final conference will be held at the Ca' Foscari's University prestigious "Aula Mario Baratto", on 24/9/2019 from 10 AM to 1 PM. 

The conference will be opened by the President of Scuola Centrale Formazione (project partner in charge for Communication) and by the Director of AZRRI (Lead partner), followed by Institutional greetings by the Region of Istria (Mr Ezio Pinzan - Assessor for Agricolture, Forestry and Fishery) and by the ITALY-CROATIA Managing Authority, Mrs. Silvia Majer(Region Veneto), who will introduce the state of the art of the Programme.

Following the presentation of the project by the Lead Partner, a round table will share with the public the results and outputs from the project, focusing on the pilot experiences in each region involved in the project, with the intervention of project partners (CIVIFORM, the Market of Pula, the City of Pula, Casa Artusi, the Tourism Board of Mali Losinj, the Municipality of Cividale del Friuli, Scuola Centrale Formazione's associated member Lepido Rocco, and stakeholders. A video-presentation of a case study by I-ambassadors will close the round table.

Mrs. Anna Flavia Zuccon (Region Veneto, Director of the Unit Territorial Cooperation and European macro-strategies)  will have the final speech about the future of the Territorial cooperation programs in the area of interest of the project.

An interpretation service Italian-Croatian and viceversa will be available.

For organisational reasons, registration at the following link is kindly required: 

Agenda of the event (ITA)

Agenda of the event (ENG)


Report by the City of Pula (HR)