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Final SC meeting and transnational conference in Zadar

Published on 19/09/2019 (last modified 24/04/2020)

Final SC meeting and transnational conference in Zadar

As final communication activity addressed to various target groups of stakeholders, Zadar County organised a two days event including, along with the internal 5th Steering Committee partnership Meeting, a press conference, the final International conference and an info day dedicated to students on the 19th – 20th September 2019 in Zadar.

It’s been a fruitful occasion to discuss on project activities carried out during Hercultour, at different levels.

Internally, within the partnership, assessing the activities and successful level of project implementation in the final stage, but also aiming at paving the way for the project’s further developments, creating commitment by different stakeholders external to the partnership that may facilitate the transferability and sustainability of the project activities beyond local level and project end.

Externally, addressing different target groups, to share with the audience, during press conference and, in a deeper way, the international conference, the achieved results on Cultural Heritage valorisation of the Croatian and Italian territories, the developed tools and best practices, also to open a public discussion on the future strategies, partnership and cooperation actions and evaluate the impact of the project on the different target groups and stakeholders.

Each Italian and croatian partner presented the main activities and results achieved: starting from for the implementation of most relevant local products (the strengthening and valorisation of Local Cultural Routes and Visitors’ centre, as capitalization of the previous HERA IPA - CBC Programme - project results) and underlining the importance which has been given to the organisation of various stakeholders roundtables and training events addressed to cultural operators (from cultural guides to museum employees), in order to train attendees on the «Manual of interpretation of the historical and cultural heritage».

The manual written by Andrea Vugrinovic is a guidebook that specifies and describes how the new interpretative approach can overcome the merely informative function of the other obsolete tools in order to create a powerful link with people, through the imagination, the suggestion and the narration, thus stimulating curiosity and motivate on discovery and deepening.

That was also the occasion to widely present to international stakeholders the International Cultural Route created by partners, focused on Roman vestiges and heritage, with a main chosen theme related to the "way", to be considered not just as consular or military path but also as a way-modality to represent social, economic and cultural common processes firmly connecting and tying croatian and italian territories together. The strategy that has been adopted was aiming at developing not extremely long tours, but at providing engaging experiences at each point of the route, so that each node can develop its products by enhancing the affiliation to the same quality model, based, for instance, on a common graphic identity and on high level qualified services.

During the second day, Zadar organised an info-day addressed to schoolchildren, in order to discuss and distribute brochures, education booklets and maps with the goal to aware new generation on tourism valorisation and culture development, but also to entertain pupils through workshop activities and cultural quiz on local and international historical values.

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