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Thursday CREAtivE Talks: all webinars available on Youtube

Published on 03/07/2023 (last modified 12/12/2023)

Funding opportunities, adaptation in coastal areas, nature-based solutions, maritime spatial planning, monitoring the Adriatic sea, local climate strategies, climate communication, effective governance for climate policies: watch at the full list of our webinars

All the video-recordings of the 7 webinars held within the Create project in its Thursday CREAtivE Talks series are now available on the project Youtube channel in a dedicated playlist. The series, started in November 2022 and coming to its end with a last episode on June 15, 2023, covered different topics related to adaptation in the Adriatic area: from the creation process of adaptation plans to the role of nature-based solutions (NbS), from the importance of monitoring and fund-raising to finding effective ways to provide effective communication to different audiences.

All webinars are available both in Italian and Croatian languages and can be accessed here.

Picture by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

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