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Climate and communication: tools and knowledge to tell the story of change. Thursday CREATivE Talks #7

Published on 09/05/2023 (last modified 09/05/2023)


May 11, 2023 h.11.00 am CEST


ONLINE - Zoom PLatform

In this webinar we will discuss the importance of effective climate change communication, how climate change is perceived by the public and the results and best practices emerging from research projects, with a focus on the Adriatic Sea area.

The webinar is aimed at researchers, representatives of cities and municipalities, individual citizens and experts involved in the creation and implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures in response to climate change, in order to foster an exchange of knowledge and tools for the benefit of the entire community.
During this webinar, different aspects on methods and tools for communicating climate change effectively will be addressed. On the one hand, the relationship between such a complex issue and public opinion will be considered, as well as the importance and relevance of effective communication both for the public and for those doing scientific research. Following this, some communication tools for "climate education" (climate literacy) will be presented, with a focus on adaptation in the Adriatic area: a multimedia narrative aimed at capturing the attention of the user with an alternation of visual, auditory and descriptive elements that stimulate curiosity, nourish knowledge and ultimately stimulate action to respond effectively to climate change. Finally, a third part will have a more specific focus on the most effective ways of presenting scientific results by researchers, focusing on the key messages and practical applications of the proposed results.


11:00 - 11:05 | Introduction - Mauro Buonocore, CMCC

11:05 - 11:15 | Climate opinion: climate change and its audience - Gio Pesce, communication strategist, ECF

11:15 - 11:25 | New tools for communicating climate: the case of the Adriatic Sea - Selvaggia Santin, CMCC

11:25 - 11:35 | Impact communication and effective presentations - Natalija Dunić, IOF

11:35 - 11:45 | Why communicating is so important to tackle climate change - Daria Povh Škugor, Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC)

11:45 - 12:00 | Questions and Answers

Language: Croatian and Italian, with simultaneous translation.
The webinar will be held on the ZOOM platform 


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