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CHARGE 3rd Public Dissemination Event

Published on 20/08/2019 (last modified 21/08/2019)

The third public dissemination event has been held in Venice on the 27th of November 2018 within the framework of the Mediterranean AIS Expert Working Group.

As a follow-up to the 14th meeting of the Mediterranean AIS Expert Working Group (Rome, 6 December 2017), the Italian Coast Guard (ICG) invited EMSA and experts designated by the Countries involved in MAREΣ to a technical meeting.

Such meeting has been organised in Venice on the 27th of November within the framework of the Interreg CHARGE project. The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority is partner of CHARGE, whose main objective is to foster traffic flows and sustainable connectivity between Italian and Croatian ports.

The objectives of the meeting were to: introduce CHARGE to further relevant stakeholders; evaluate the progress achieved since the last session; discuss about the further challenges and perspectives of MAREΣ.

The meeting was attended by representatives of MAREΣ Members States: Malta, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Spain, Romania and Portugal as well as Montenegro as MAREΣ participant state. Representatives of Norway attended the meeting as observers and North Sea/Atlantic AIS Regional Servers. Representatives of Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia attended as beneficiaries in the SAFEMED IV project and Georgia and Ukraine as beneficiaries in the Black and Caspian Sea project (BCSEA). Representatives of Elman, the contractor who developed the Italian AIS network on behalf of the Italian Coast Guard have also attended the meeting.

During the meeting Captain Giuseppe AULICINO, Head of the Department VII - Information Technology, traffic monitoring systems and communications of the General Command of the Harbor-Coast Guard Authorities, intervened and highlighted the latest upgrades of the MAREΣ platform as well as the road map of the forthcoming developments.

Cap. Antonio Revedin, Strategic Planning and Development Director of the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority as the hosting body opened the meeting presenting the institutional greetings. He presented the CHARGE project (Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme) explaining how its scopes and objectives are currently being pursued in strong cooperation with the Italian Coast Guard with regards to the use and sharing of AIS data for the development of MoS services in the Adriatic area.

During the development of the pilot activity of the CHARGE project, the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority will take into great consideration the directions given by the Mediterranean AIS Expert Working Group, involved in the MAREΣ initiative, through the support of the technical team in the Italian Coast Guard.

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