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ADRIADAPT Deliverable: Release of the final set of climate data and indicators made available through the project platform

Published on 29/06/2021 (last modified 14/07/2021)

The document (D3.2.2) provides a description of the climate data that has been delivered by CMCC, Arpae and DHMZ to the ADRIADAPT project users, both in terms of dynamical and statistical downscaling outputs.

The document (D3.2.2) provides a description of the climate data that has been delivered by CMCC, Arpae and DHMZ to the ADRIADAPT project users, both in terms of dynamical and statistical downscaling outputs. These tools are shortly presented in Section 2, the climatic variables delivered within the project are presented in Section 3. The report also includes a deep analysis of the performance/skill of the statistical downscaling technique implemented by ArpaeSimc, This work completes the historical validation process that has been already provided for the dynamical downscaling in the previous deliverable (D3.2.1). The results of statistical validation over Italian and Croatian case studies are presented in Sections 4 and 5 for temperature and precipitation indices. The analysis of statistical validation of SD is concluded with a description of trends in simulated and observed time series of temperature and precipitation, presented in Section 6. The validation of statistical downscaling (SD) has been done for the seasonal mean and extreme indices of temperature and precipitation described in D3.1.1: “Definition of a set of climate change indicators for stakeholders“

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