TAKE IT SLOW - FVG in Movimento 10.000 passi di salute - TAKE IT SLOW - FVG in Movimento 10.000 passi di salute - TAKE IT SLOW


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TAKE IT SLOW - FVG in Movimento 10.000 passi di salute

Published on 14/06/2023 (last modified 19/06/2023)


Jun 20, 2023 h.11:00am


Hotel President, Viale della Pittura, 9 Lignano Riviera - Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD)


Viale della Pittura, 9 Lignano Riviera - Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD)


Alessia Del Bianco Rizzardo


PROMOTURISMOFVG e FEDERSANITA’ ANCI FVG are pleased to invite you to the event: “TAKE IT SLOW - FVG in Movimento 10.000 passi di salute: the sustainable development of a territory through the enhancement of new smart and slow tourism experiences”.

The project, which has as its main objective the promotion of the Adriatic Region as a smart, green, sustainable and accessible cross-border tourist destination, has allowed the enhancement of the 78 routes of the territorial project “FVG in Movimento 10,000 health steps” and of the 91 municipalities in which they develop.

Cross-border cooperation and dialogue with other partners have been fundamental for rethinking the communication and promotion strategies of the territory in an innovative way with a view to sustainability, inclusion, slow tourism and well-being.

Check the official invitation with agenda here.

The event will be live-streamed at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jd-vRFcBTmqGd3t8NZMbrQ.