About the Project - INVESTINFISH


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Boosting INVESTments in INnovation of SMEs along the entire FISHery and aquaculture value chain






€ 1.498.440


1.1: Enhance the framework conditions for innovation in the relevant sectors of the blue economy within the cooperation area


t2i - Technology Transfer and Innovation



The project’s mission is to support micro, small and medium companies in exploiting their products potential, innovative value and quality of territorial F&A tradition by transforming the classic “do everything alone” into innovative multi-open partnership approach.

Public authorities, researchers and citizens

INVESTINFISH project aims in involving different target groups in order to establish a cross-border open innovation environment, contributing to faster mainstream the innovation trends and foresight in F&A sector.

INVESTINFISH main objective is strengthening of competitiveness of F&A production system through promotion of investment programs aimed at acquisition of innovation services. INVESTINFISH implements pilot actions providing some IT-HR F&A SMEs with a roadmap to innovation instruments & services, boosting creation of marketable innovative products and/or processes that will improve the SMEs potential
market positioning. Expected benefits for enterprises are: accelerate time to market, increase linkages with innovators, increase F&A enterprises R&D expenditures in new&greener components/technologies/services, to boost HR-IT competitiveness. INVESTINFISH intends also to offer to the F&A sector to substitute the value chain concept with value network, proposing a shift from traditional value chains towards more collaborative value networks.

F&F – investinfish





t2i - Technology Transfer and Innovation


Treviso - Italy


t2i technology transfer and innovation is the Italian innovation agency promoted by the Chambers of commerce of Treviso, Verona and Venice-Rovigo. t2i supports companies in defining and developing innovative pathways through the establishment of networks for technology transfer and the deployment of value-added services for industries and organizations also by means of co-funding programmes at local and European level.

Contact person: Marco Galanti

E-mail: marco.galanti@t2i.it


Sviluppo Marche Srl


Sviluppo Marche S.r.l. (SVIM) is the development company of the Marche Region (Italy) established in 1999 and actively contributing to the development of the economy of the Marche territory supporting the activity of the Public Administration in close collaboration with the main local stakeholders. SVIM sustains the regional employment and competitiveness through the implementation of Local, European and International projects.

Contact person: Ida Prosperi

E-mail: iprosperi@svim.eu


Regional Agrofood District


Since 2004 D.A.Re has overseen the government of the Agri-food Technology District in Puglia. Its mission is to generate, share and transfer innovations through collaboration among researchers, entrepreneurs and finance actors, to promote scientific excellence, increase the competitive advantage of the production system, attract new investments and support policy choices. It provides support to companies, innovative companies and research institutions for R&D services for district development.

Contact person: Milena Sinigaglia

E-mail: milena.sinigaglia@unifg.it




Punto Confindustria is a consulting and services company subject to the management of Confindustria Venezia Rovigo, the most important employer association of the territory. It assists companies with its own internal and qualified staff, in many areas of interest: finance, innovation, environment, education, internationalization, funding opportunities etc. It is also the reference for the local fish cluster, made up of more than 3000 companies, promoting all its connected activities.

Contact person: Laura Stoppa

E-mail: l.stoppa@puntoconfindustria.it


Istrian Development Agency – Ida Ltd.


The Istrian Development Agency (IDA) Ltd., from its establishment in 1999, plays a crucial role in the development of the Region of Istria. IDA was established as an operational body entrusted with the implementation of development projects and programmes of the Region of Istria. The guiding principle of IDA’s founders – the Region of Istria and its ten towns – was to develop and implement measures for stimulating entrepreneurship, in order to increase the competitiveness of the Region of Istria

Contact person: Bojana Bojanić

E-mail: bojana.bojanic@ida.hr


Agency for Rural Development of Zadar County - AGRRA


Zadar County Rural Development Agency (AGRRA) is a public institution established by the County of Zadar. Its main activity is development of Zadar County rural area (constituted of 28 municipalities and 4 cities). AGRRA coordinates and implements the activities related to Zadar County rural development and follows national and EU strategies with the final aim to harmonize legislation on regional and local level with the agricultural and rural development policies.

Contact person: Ana Zubčić

E-mail: ana.zubcic@agrra.hr


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Here are all the documents:

WP2 - Communication Summary

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.32 Mb)

D2.1.3 Project Kick-off Meeting

PUBLISHED ON 19/01/2023
PDF (0.83 Mb)

D.2.2.1 Publications about the project in print

PUBLISHED ON 19/01/2023
PDF (1.67 Mb)

D.2.2.2 Publications about the project in digital news media

PUBLISHED ON 19/01/2023
PDF (0.37 Mb)

D.2.2.3 press conferences

PUBLISHED ON 19/01/2023
PDF (1.52 Mb)

D2.3.1 - INVESTINFISH project handbook

PUBLISHED ON 19/01/2023
PDF (2.89 Mb)

D2.3.2 Investinfish brochure

PUBLISHED ON 19/01/2023
PDF (2.77 Mb)

D.2.4.1 Final conference - Sealogy

PUBLISHED ON 19/01/2023
PDF (1.44 Mb)

D.2.4.2 Participation in thematic events

PUBLISHED ON 20/01/2023
PDF (3.04 Mb)

D.2.5.2 Informative campaign towards the EEN

PUBLISHED ON 20/01/2023
PDF (0.36 Mb)

D2.6.1 - INVESTINFISH poster

PUBLISHED ON 19/01/2023
PDF (0.7 Mb)

D.3.1.1 Mapping existing innovation poles and local innovation support networks at regional level

PUBLISHED ON 11/01/2023
PDF (0.79 Mb)

D.3.1.2 Studying of public private funding schemes for regional fishery and aquaculture SMEs 

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.79 Mb)

D.3.1.3 Requirements collection surveys of new innovation solutions demand from fishery&acquacolture sectors' SMEs

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.8 Mb)

D.3.2.1 Collection of previous EU projects' results (H2020&CTE) to select best advanced solutions.- GENERAL SCOUTING

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.75 Mb)

D.3.2.2 Worldwide technologies (i.e.:biotech; digital) periscope for SMEs in fishery&acquacolture sectors

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.79 Mb)

D.3.2.3 Worldwide incubation and acceleration's models for SMEs in fishery&acquacolture sectors

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.91 Mb)

D.3.2.43 Cross-border Blue Innovation thematic Labs in AN-IT,RO-IT,ZADAR-HR

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (1.9 Mb)

D.4.1.1 Joint methodology for the policy uptake and legitimization of Project innovation service

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.48 Mb)

D.4.1.25 Transnational thematic focus groups with regional authorities for sharing a common vision

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.75 Mb)

D.4.2.1 Joint open tender scheme to select  testimonial fishery&acquic SMEs (and new businness concept=start-up/spin off, new product)

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.58 Mb)

D.4.2.1 Joint open tender scheme to select  testimonial fishery&acquic SMEs (and new businness concept=start-up/spin off, new product)

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.65 Mb)

D.4.2.2 Local-based open selection & assessment of candidates (up to 15 SMEs)

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.73 Mb)

D.4.2.3 Awareness initiatives to prepare selected companies to join Project crossborder collaborative environment

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.3 Mb)

D.4.3.1 Matchmaking analysis to combine project advanced technologies and financing schemes with actual/real companies requirements of selected company

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.36 Mb)

D.4.3.2 Effective application of the test over 4 + 4 selected & target entrerprises resulting from the matchmaking 

PUBLISHED ON 17/01/2023
PDF (0.99 Mb)

D.4.3.3 Evaluation of technical feasibility & financial & economic sustainability (piano di redditività)

PUBLISHED ON 18/01/2023
PDF (0.34 Mb)

D.4.3.4 Innovation services preliminary feedback from companies and quality-plan to monitor the companies satisfaction during the Pilots. (in two steps)

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.69 Mb)

D.4.3.4 Innovation services preliminary feedback from companies and quality-plan to monitor the companies satisfaction during the Pilots. (in two steps)

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.87 Mb)

D.4.4.1 Capitalisation of Innovoucher system (H2020 INNOVOUCHER) to fishery&acquacolture SMEs

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (2.74 Mb)

D.4.4.2 Development of potential public, private,  public-private funding platforms 

PUBLISHED ON 18/01/2023
PDF (0.59 Mb)

D5.1.1 Methodological document 

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.41 Mb)

D5.1.2 Specific Action plan for trasferring 

PUBLISHED ON 18/01/2023
PDF (0.41 Mb)

D5.2.1 Identification of best in class enterprises

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.35 Mb)

D5.2.2 Study visits to identified enterprises

PUBLISHED ON 19/01/2023
PDF (0.43 Mb)

D5.3.1 5 Regional meetings among PPs, regional authorities, banks, chambers of commerce, private equity funds

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (1.16 Mb)

D5.3.2 5 Tactics for Innovative funding schemes

PUBLISHED ON 18/01/2023
PDF (0.45 Mb)

D5.4.1 N. 1 position paper addressed to EASME, DG Enterprise and Industry, DG Research and Innovation

PUBLISHED ON 18/01/2023
PDF (1.16 Mb)

D5.4.2 N. 1 meeting with  EASME, DG Enterprise and Industry, DG Research and Innovation

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.33 Mb)

D5.5.1 N. 1 Knowledge Elicitation (Story telling video-interviews with testimonials)

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (1.44 Mb)

D5.5.2 Participation in n.1 international event/conference (LOCATION TBD) to present the initiative (OPEN DAYS BXLs)  European Week of Regions and Cities

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (1.1 Mb)

D5.5.3 1 Cross-border collaborative network model for the management of innovation in F&A

PUBLISHED ON 06/07/2022
PDF (0.55 Mb)

5.5.4 MoU among cross-border network’s participants

PUBLISHED ON 19/01/2023
PDF (0.4 Mb)

D5.6.1 Tutorial for innovation facilitators

PUBLISHED ON 13/02/2023
PDF (0.74 Mb)

D5.6.2 Operational e-manual to deliver innovation services in the cross-value chain

PUBLISHED ON 13/02/2023
PDF (0.63 Mb)

Name of the tool



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