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Some news from the 2ns steering meetting comitee

Published on 16/12/2019 (last modified 16/12/2019)

2nd steering meeting has took place in Adria and San Basilio (Rovigo), read about it!

The second meeting of the VALUE project partners was hosted by the National Archaeological Museum of Adria and by San Basilio archaeological site in Ariano nel Polesine (Rovigo) on 11th and 12th December 2019.

This second meeting has been the occasion to discuss about the overall project implementation, presenting the state of the art of all the activities and discussing about pilot projects.

Pilot interventions will be carried out to enhance the touristic experience of some important archaeological sites that will also have the possibility to be experienced through the use of new technologies – like APP - which are being developed.

The objective is to enhance resources, both promoting archaeological and cultural heritage in an innovative way and diversifying the off-season tourist offer. Furthermore, VALUE intends to spread knowledge about archaeological and historical heritage also among other categories than archaeologist and archeo lovers.

But first of all, it will be necessary to focus on the implementation of the pilot projects already started and that will be completed by 2020. Pilot actions involves nine archaeological/cultural sites, four of which are part of the UNESCO Delta Po MAB.

Pilot projects are the following:

  • creation of and "open air" archaeological park in Comacchio (Italy);
  • reconstruction and digitization of part of the Pomposa historical archive in Codigoro (Italy);
  • the experimental reconstruction of a settlement in Adria and archaeological excavations in the Roman and early Christian complex of the archaeological area of ​​San Basilio (Italy);
  • creation of a network of historical routes and paths in the archaeological area of ​​Cres (Croatia)
  • enhancement of the Ostrog archaeological site with the Balvan hill in Kastela (Croatia)
  • reconstruction of a settlement complex in Korcula (Croatia)