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A survey to analyze the perception of the impacts of climate change

Published on 23/07/2020 (last modified 04/08/2020)

RESPONSe team prepared an online survey in order to analyze the perception of the impacts of climate change

The discussion about climate change is not just a matter of numbers concerning the threatening alterations that our Planet is experiencing. Climate change is matter of people: it is the needs and ambitions of people that drive the future challenge against climate change.

Such a challenge starts from the individuals and their communities: the worldwide threats posed by climate change require solutions tailored to the local scale. This is why the RESPONSe project is calling you in. After collecting measured data, we engaged in a campaign to involve local communities and ask them to raise their voices, in order to integrate the further project development.

Hence, now it is your turn! We ask you: What are your priorities? What are your expectations? What kind of future do you foresee for your area? Tell us your ideas: the questionnaire below waits for your opinions and your thoughts.

It’s not time to wait anymore, it’s time to act. Fill in the questionnaire below and help us build the kind of community that you desire, starting from now! 

Questionnaire for citizens:



CRO: under translation

Questionnaire for public authorities:



CRO: under translation