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ITACA launches the WebAPP

Published on 14/03/2022 (last modified 15/03/2022)

ITACA project is finally ready to start with the pilot action (i.e. the updating of data by fisheries operators) and have access to the WebAPP to start with the data entry in the system.

ITACA project is finally ready to start with the pilot action (i.e. the updating of data by fisheries operators) and have access to the WebAPP to start with the data entry in the system.

Fish operators can now upload recent data concerning catches and prices, in order to make the system working at its best.

The main features of the WebAPP are the following:

  • The economic module allows fish operators to track market data and perform predictive simulations on the next month's catch thanks to algorithms based on historical data.
  • The statistics allow fish operators to view, in graphical form, the trend in catches in relation to the average price for the last month or the last six months.
  • The bio-ecological module, on the other hand, allows the average size of the fish caught to be plotted and compared with the average estimated in the different fishing areas.