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COPE Teramo starts the pilot project aiming at modifying the role of citizens during emergencies.

Published on 11/06/2021 (last modified 27/05/2022)

An innovative tool to support citizens and Civil Protection operators in post-crisis communications management.

Punto Europa Consortium, as a pilot project to be developed in the province of Teramo, has generated a system that integrates and conveys information through the Telegram app combined with an ad hoc platform, in order to collect reports and facilitate work management of emergencies and create a statistical database of interventions.
The "Firespill" Telegram channel, chosen by Cope's IT experts for its peculiar characteristics as an open source tool, flexibility and interoperability with other tools, was designed in such a way as to allow citizens witnessing a fire, an earthquake or other disasters of natural or anthropic origin to change their role from potential victims to "sentinels" capable of carrying out an important action of communicative support towards the operators of the Civil Protection.  
On 31 May a technical table was opened for the presentation of this integrated tool to the Civil Protection associations involved in the FIRESPILL project. The young volunteers have given their willingness to collaborate in the most effective implementation of the channel and the platform that will soon be developed and available to citizens, so that they perfectly adhere to the needs of operators in the area.