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New web-interface for accessing daily atmospheric and ocean datafrom the AdriSc climate model

Published on 23/02/2021 (last modified 21/03/2022)

A web-interface has recently been created for accessing the daily data of atmospheric and oceanic parameters coming from the AdriSC (Adriatic Sea and Coast) high-resolution climate model run (1987-2017).

The interface, available at the following link:,  was developed within the Croatian Scientific Foundation projects ADIOS ( and BivACME ( with the support of the project # CHANGEWECARE, while  the AdriSC climate model run was executed at the European Centre for Middle-range Weather Research (ECMWF,

Through the interface (which can be accessed after registration) the data can be freely downloaded for research purposes (citing the source in case of publication of the results), although with some limitations to the download (max one year, one parameter and one type extraction per request). In any case, longer time series or specific data can be requested directly to the web-interface managers.