Asset Publisher

Output Indicator 3.1O2

Updated on :09/04/2020

Project foresees 40 actors involved in the tourist product (publishing video clips of young artists and students on the web platform). Artists, young artists and students will be educated through educational workshops on video recording. Following the specialisation in video production, artists and students will be directly involved in the tourist product, placing their video clips on the web platform. The ArTVision+ Advisory Board members are extremely important for the promotion of the cultural heritage and are directly involved in all the project's activities. Tourist Boards will act as roof institutions for the organisation of tourism events, as through/ within the framework of their competence, the promotion of the destination and of the tourism product can be achieved in the best possible way. By offering this tourism product in their tourism packages, Touroperators are also a very significant group. In this way, it will be very easy to achieve the promotion and
the recognisability of the tourism product. By the end of fourth project period, more specifically, end of the project 43 actors were involved and documented in the following pages.