Asset Publisher


Published on 22/09/2022 (last modified 22/09/2022)

21-23 September 2022 / FERRARA FAIRS


AdriaClim project manager Andrea Valentini (ARPAE) will present the AdriaClim project during the conference "Adaptation to climate change and carbon neutrality in the urban environment" at the RemTech Fair in Ferrara, scheduled for September 21th (in the afternoon from 5 to 6.30 pm).
The speech will be in Italian and will be titled: "Monitoraggio e gestione dei cambiamenti climatici per le strategie di adattamento nelle aree costiere dell’Adriatico- progetto AdriaClim"/ "Monitoring and management of climate change for adaptation strategies in the coastal areas of the Adriatic - project AdriaClim."